20190906_2118321 20190906_2118412 20190906_2118563 20190906_2119034 20190906_2119195 20190906_2119566 20190906_2126407 20190906_2127238 20190906_2127389 20190906_21275310 20190906_21280911 20190906_21282012 20190906_22450113 20190906_22453214 20190906_22453915 20190906_22461716 20190907_10325917 20190907_10330518 20190907_10331619 20190907_10340820 20190907_10354221 20190907_10375622 20190907_10411023 20190907_10411724 20190907_13412725 20190907_14185426 20190907_14191227 20190907_14194228 20190907_15162629 20190907_16021930 20190907_16150931 20190907_16415132 20190907_16511633 20190908_16002934 20190908_19082935 20190908_19251436 20190908_19252437 20190908_19473838 20190908_20215539 20190908_22560140
jquery image carousel by WOWSlider.com v8.8

HTML code for the slider C:/inetpub/wwwroot/images/Rohrdorf2019_Hana_slider/Rhodorf2019_HP_slider.html

How to add this slider to HTML page

1 Upload these folders to your server

2 Paste this code to your page between the tags <head></head>

3 Paste this code to your page between the tags <body></body> in the place that you want the slider to appear

Also you can try the Insert-To-Page wizard, to add the slider visually, without touching the code!

Click here for the detailed info.